We are a community of Veterans, First-Responders, and Connected-Family Members that enjoy the beauty, taste, and camaraderie of a fine cigar and spirit. Our passion for creating the ultimate cigar experience is our mission. We are professional, knowledgable, and interactive. We want YOU to enjoy the most memorable times in your life. Meet your team below and let’s make your last two hours lit.
We help our clients create unforgettable experiences at their events with premium cigars and whiskey.
To become the must-have experience for events while maintaining our unwavering principles as we continue to grow our positive impact in our local communities.
Aligned. Teamwork. Accountable. Results-Driven. Inspiration
We hire from all branches of our military, retired, and active duty.
Police officers, Firefighters, EMS, EMT, and others.
Family members from Military and First-Responder families.
In 2022, we started our own nonprofit organization dedicated in strengthening the well-Being Of America's Military And First Responders, their Families, And local charitable organizations through camaraderie & financial support. Click below to find out how you can support our mission.